omkar colin 2nd September 2021

I was just a young lad from the North East and at the age of 19 got a book about yoga and did one simple standing breathing exercise and had a kundalini experience... just like that. I went down to London and tried to find like minded people. I found solace at the Sivananda Yoga Centre - never got into the tiger and guru stuff but appreciate Giris and Swami Padma and others for the times. It's all a long story, Chris Jarmey is no longer with us. Since that initial kundalini experience which brought me to London, I have had many many others and each time it's bigger and more beautiful than the last. Thank you Giris, Narayani and Amari for letting me find solace and kindred spirits while I was a neophyte but unaware with the magic or the curse I was blessed with. I want send my shaktipat from the wilds of the North East where it all began