Farewell to Giris - an extraordinary man - who left the world too soon.

Created by Michael 3 years ago

Although we had both met Giris before, it was a complete surprise when he somehow tracked us down to our flat in Kew in 1995.

We arranged to meet up in  hotel in Holland Park, breast feeding infant in tow, and he showed us his project in Seymour Street. Would we be able to help with the Structural Engineering?

It would be a stretch from our spare bedroom, but yes we were on board and it has been a wild ride ever since. But one not to have missed. Not for the world. We became part of the Sager Family that grew from that project..

Yes Giris could be infuriating at times, demanding without a doubt and certainly in those early days drove a hard bargain. But he cared deeply about what he did and the people around him, was always true to his word, recognised hard work and honesty and repaid you many fold.

I felt that if we were ever in a crisis, Giris would be not only a person we could turn to, but would want to be the person we turned to, indeed would be affronted if he wasn't.

Giris it has been a privilege to have had you as a client and friend over the last twenty five years.

I have only two regrets.

One, that Islington Square was not completely finished for you and not to your high standards.

Two that I didn't reply to your last Whatsapp Youtube clip from the Masters golf in time.


Michael and Orla