simon 19th November 2020

Giris was unique in so many ways and in comparison with other colleagues, I was a late arrival to the circus and met Giris about 7 years ago while working on the other side at Islington. We soon grew a mutual respect and understanding in trying to push things forward, Giris had always been used to getting his own way. That soon stopped and the debating started which would continue. Giris and I spent months with him calling me and us meeting up and we joked about how he had courted me longer than I did my wife to get me on board with Sager. He always had time for my family as we were his extended family. His vision , passion and enthusiasm was infectious and as we all know, he loved a debate. He enriched our lives with the stories, anecdotes and WhatsApp messages which will always make me smile and leave a lasting memory. Rest in Peace Giris. Simon