George 19th November 2020

I first met Giris in Islington Square in the winter of 2016 when I used to visit my father on site when I was in London at meetings. I was intrigued by this peculiar character and I was drawn in by his energy, I offered to help with the marcomms at ISQ and I joined the team in early 2017. Over the past 18 months we have worked together pretty much every single day (and many evenings on the after 2130 calls), although it rarely felt like work. On weekends I would be asked by friends, what are you up to this weekend and I would say “I am going to work”, the truth was I was going to see my friend who just so happened to be in the office and during our conversations about the wildest and oddest things we might get some work done. It was always entertaining talking with him trying to listen very carefully to what he was saying because you understood the words, but you didn’t know who or which project he was talking about until the end. Usually referring to people as ‘that guy’ or ‘what’s his name’. The funny thing is I think you actually do learn telepathy by working with Giris and I learnt it to be a crucial skill… We had what you might say was an unlikely friendship, but we were united in our fascination with knowledge, challenging the facts and debate. Giris played many roles in many people’s lives; to me he was my boss, my colleague, my late-night debate partner, bedtime storyteller, driving force that lit the fire inside me to fuel my passion for work, creativity, and success but most importantly to me, he was my friend. He had and will continue to have a lasting impact on my life, I fully intend on using the influence he had on me; as we would often say, I will Make It Happen and I will be raising my hands and looking up to you. Giris, I will truly miss you, rest easy. George x AKA George’ll Fix It