Confessions of a Consultant

Created by Steven 3 years ago

So that's it, no more multiple calls being taken during a meeting, no more rapier like wit, no more agonising negotiations on fees, no more curved balls from left field just when you think you have answered his questions and finally just when you think you have finished an argument actually it is the beginning of a new one!!

I am a QS and he got so frustrated with me in a meeting once he said "that's it I am only ever going to employ one armed QS's in future" when I asked why he said "because that way they will never be able to say on the other hand"

So you would think this man was impossible but do you know what..... he was priceless, fiercely loyal and you would walk over hot coals to please him. His 3D grasp of situations was amazing but to cap it all for me he was always genuinely interested in you and your family

My heart goes out to his family and work colleagues at Sager and I will miss him more than I could ever put into words.

Rest in peace dear Giris


Steven Barker